Monday, April 12, 2010

This is the piece I wrote a few years ago that I was referring to in my previous post. It was written on 2.25.07, just over 3 years ago. At the time, I titled it BEFORE & AFTER. Though now I view it as Chapters 1 & 2. Still to come... Chapter 3, Chapter free.

honest 99% of the time
not impressed by ego or bravado
happier than I’ve ever been
single by *choice*
hard on myself
disheartened by the state of the world
crestfallen by cruelty of any manner or degree
disappointed by a significant portion of society
endlessly encouraged by the rest
loving to a fault
the feeder that often goes hungry
full of creativity and compelled to manifest it
thankful to have survived my past

people to be less vain, and more honest
a utopian society
to find personal success
to live my dreams
to break free of the boundaries I feel harness me
to travel the world
to stop fearing letting others down, namely my parents.
to find a love, lover, companion, friend & ally.
to be understood
my generosity to be met, just 50% of the time.
to form a deeper connection to my spiritual self
to listen more and talk less

of a nourished, sheltered, educated & peaceful world
of mothering a child
** BIG **
of people rising up to their true potential, myself included
of achieving something on my "I WANT” list
of money losing it’s value and humans having to reassess
of the end of religious war
of continuing to become a better version of myself
of what's to come. . .

traveled a very rocky road.
punished myself a lifetime’s worth
become someone I'm extremely proud of
been unbelievably blessed
loved, lost, longed, learned, and loved again.
arrived, left and managed to stay very still
written a lot of poetry
chosen optimism as a way of life
lived a life divided into two distinct parts:
Before & After
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Become ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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