Thursday, December 23, 2010


Hello!  I am writing to let you know about my upcoming plans in the mission field and how you can join with me!  As you may know, the Lord has placed it on my heart to continue serving with PhotogenX (the ministry of Youth With A Mission that I served with these last 6 months) for another 19-month program beginning in just one month!

On January 5th, 2011, I will be leaving the US for 12 consecutive months and traveling to each of the 6 inhabitable continents to engage with the community, serve in outreach projects and fight against social injustice relevant to each region of the world.  Months 13-18 will consist of a massive debrief time wherein our team will compile all of our experiences, stories, service, photos, interviews and data. As a team we will create a professional publication about the issue(s) of social injustice we feel need to be brought into the global spotlight. The last month of this mission will be spent in various parts of the world doing speaking engagements to increase awareness, incite action and raise funds to fight these issues through the sale and distribution of our publication.

This mission is a combination of training, outreach and activism.  We are engaging with countries on every continent with the express purposes of gaining a Godly global perspective of the people and cultures of the world; to experience firsthand the issues facing the poor, needy and oppressed worldwide; to grow in Biblical truth, knowledge and understanding; to serve the people everywhere we go; to generate relationships and share the Lord with people around the world; to understand God’s heart toward injustice and His desire to see it end; to create a publication used to increase awareness; and to raise our voices to fight on behalf of the abused, overlooked and neglected.

As time is drawing near, I ask that you would please pray about whether you feel called to partner with me in this outreach.  The Lord has been so faithful to provide for this mission thus far! My current financial need for this mission is down to approximately $6,000 which covers my airfare, food, lodging, ground transportation, insurances, outreach tools, training and the production of our publication.   All donations can be directed to Venture Christian Church and are tax-deductible (donation information below).

Ultimately, I want you to know how blessed I feel to have you in my life.  I know financial support is sometimes not possible or not the call of your heart, and that is okay.  Though finances are necessary to get me there and do this work, I could never go and serve in this way without all the incredible encouragement and prayer you’ve given me. It is such an incredible blessing that I cannot explain.  Thank you in advance for any way you are able to partner with me in this endeavor to bring hope, love and light to the lost and forgotten of this world.

With Immense Gratitude,